
About Me

Hi! I am Mary Staples Mills, the owner, and designer behind the mmillsdesigns name! I have been married to my best friend for 20 years as of May 2024, I have one older brother who lives overseas {no, he is not in the military}, my Dad turned 93 years old in January so every day is a blessing, and I have lived in 5 states and Australia at one time or another in my life.

I have been away from my business off and on over the last few years while fighting stage 3c breast cancer, and currently stage 4 MBC. In late January 2019, I found a lump in my breast, and I was diagnosed with breast cancer soon after. Then in February 2022 I found a lump in my neck and after a scan we discovered that the cancer had spread to a few of my bones. If you would like to read about my journey, I have been writing a blog to share experiences with others. I do not hold anything back when sharing my journey, so from time to time, there will be graphic photos with a clear warning in the title of the blog post.


🎀Breast Cancer Fighter👚, 💕Wife💍, 🐶Mom to 2 fur kids🐱, 📿Jewelry Designer🎁, 📚Book Lover📖, 🌴Lover of Travel👙

Again, thank you for being here! 💕

What do you think?

Handmade Jewelry, Destash Boutique and Original Photography