Where Has Time Gone?

I can’t believe that we are quickly approaching the end of August. School is back in for the Fall semester, Halloween is right around the corner, and before we know it, the 2022 holiday season will be upon us.

For those of you that know me personally, you know that the first part of 2022 has been a whirlwind for me. I have had many plans for mmillsdesigns that I have had to put on hold because I have not had the energy, both physically and mentally, to do what I want to do on any given day. I have been very disappointed in myself, feeling like I make promises that I can’t keep in wanting to move my business forward and continue to create new jewelry for my customers.

Luckily all of that is changing, and I am happy to say things are looking up; I am turning a corner and have been working on a few projects over the last few weeks. I have not caught up with listing new jewelry on my website, so for now, I will be posting pictures on my Facebook and Instagram pages. If I do not post a price, please contact me, and I will gladly give you a price on any item.

Here is a quick preview below of a few items that are currently available to purchase; more to come! 🙂

What do you think?