Tag Archives: earrings

Is It 2023, Already?

For those of you that know me personally, you know that the last year has been a whirlwind for me. It feels like I blinked, and 2022 was over, and now we are one day away from March 2023. I have had many plans for mmillsdesigns that I have had to put on hold because I have not had the energy, both physically and mentally, to do what I want to do on any given day. I have been hard on myself because I promise myself and my customers that I want to move my business forward and continue to create new jewelry, but I struggle to do so.

I am slowly beginning to turn a corner, and I have been working on a few projects recently. Today I took care of some very much-needed website maintenance, and I listed a new necklace. I will continue to work on listing new jewelry on my website, but please be patient, as I have about 63 items to list. All the pictures have been taken and edited, so for now; I will be posting pictures on my Facebook and Instagram pages. If I do not post a price, please contact me, and I will gladly give you a price on any item.

Here is a quick preview below of a few available items to available for purchase; more to come! 🙂

Where Has Time Gone?

I can’t believe that we are quickly approaching the end of August. School is back in for the Fall semester, Halloween is right around the corner, and before we know it, the 2022 holiday season will be upon us.

For those of you that know me personally, you know that the first part of 2022 has been a whirlwind for me. I have had many plans for mmillsdesigns that I have had to put on hold because I have not had the energy, both physically and mentally, to do what I want to do on any given day. I have been very disappointed in myself, feeling like I make promises that I can’t keep in wanting to move my business forward and continue to create new jewelry for my customers.

Luckily all of that is changing, and I am happy to say things are looking up; I am turning a corner and have been working on a few projects over the last few weeks. I have not caught up with listing new jewelry on my website, so for now, I will be posting pictures on my Facebook and Instagram pages. If I do not post a price, please contact me, and I will gladly give you a price on any item.

Here is a quick preview below of a few items that are currently available to purchase; more to come! 🙂

Happy Spring!

I am so happy that Spring is here! The days are getting a little warmer, and everyone is feeling a little less down now that the cold weather is going away. I am sorry that I have been away from here for several months. I have been dealing with some complicated things over the past few months, and it has been challenging for me to get through everything. I have had to concentrate on my health lately, so I haven’t felt very creative. I haven’t been in my studio much, which makes me sad as it is often my therapy because it makes me so happy to create. Christmas was very slow for me, but I understand why and I didn’t let it get me down. My focus is to get all of the new jewelry listings on my website. So, over the next week, while I have a break from other things, I will be working on the listings.

I have attached a few photos of the jewelry that will be up on my website in the coming days! Please let me know if you have any questions, including any pricing that you need for a particular piece.

Thank you for sticking with me during this challenging time; I appreciate it! 💕

October: Getting Ready For The Holidays

Hello! I hope everyone has been well! I know these are trying times, and sometimes, living day to day is the easiest way to get through the week or month. I have been taking life day by day for a long time now, and for me, it helps the days and months pass, so much so that I can’t believe that the holidays are quickly approaching!

I have been designing and making a lot of jewelry over the last few months, so I have a wide variety to choose from for your shopping needs. I still have a few more designs in the works, and I plan on finishing them by next Friday; and on November 1st, I will start working on getting everything listed on my website.

If you are interested in any of the pieces below, I can send you a Pay Pal invoice, so you don’t have to wait for me to list them on my website. Send me a message through my “Contact Me” page, tell me which pieces you would like to purchase so I can quote you a price; once I have confirmed your order with you, I will send you an invoice!

I will be back soon, take care! 💕

Busy Last Few Weeks

Hi everyone, I hope you all have been doing well! I have been busy the last few weeks with a special vendor sale on Facebook. I am so happy that I took the time to participate in the sale as it brought quite a few new customers to my website.

I have a few new pieces of jewelry that I will be listing next week on my website. If you are interested in any of these, I can Pay Pal invoice you, so you don’t have to wait for me to list them. Send me a message through my “Contact Me” page, tell me which pieces you would like to purchase, and I will send you an invoice!


I will be back soon with more beautiful handmade jewelry! Take care! 💕

Long Break

Hi, I can’t believe that we are already in July and that it has been over two months since I published a post here! In my defense, I can tell you that I have had a lot going on since the end of April.

In early May, I started looking for a house to move to because with the housing market going crazy, I was sure that the owner of the house we had been renting for the last six years would want to sell. About a week later, my suspicions were confirmed by a phone call from the owner. Finding a house was challenging because a home would be listed online, and not even 24 hours later, there were multiple applications on it. Right before we were due to leave on vacation, we went to see a house, and it was perfect! At first, we didn’t know if we had gotten it, but right before we flew out of town, we received the news that we had been approved and would get the keys on June 1st after we returned from vacation. So, my time was filled with stress from looking for a house and then getting ready to go on vacation, but it was worth it because we have moved into a house that is perfect for us and our vacation was wonderful!

While on vacation, we renewed our wedding vows on our 17th anniversary, and everything was perfect on our special day! Ocho Rios, Jamaica, is one of our favorite places to relax and reconnect with each other, so why not renew our vows while there. We were supposed to renew our vows two years ago, but between my breast cancer diagnosis and treatment in 2019 and Covid causing the world to stop in 2020, we had to post phone our trip and ceremony until this year.

So now that I have decompressed from all of the chaos, my new home is unpacked and my studio is back up and running! I will have new jewelry to photograph and post soon so hold on for just a little bit longer for me!

Thank you for your patience and continued support! 🙂